Published on October 1, 2023
Chinese students have long made up a large share of students at international schools, but many schools are now diversifying their markets due to a slow post-Covid recovery. Delilah Kealy-Roberts reports.
Justin Irwin who is in charge of China recruitment at Merrick Preparatory School in Canada notes that “Many families have been opting to keep their children in Asia and send them to neighbouring countries for their studies such as Singapore,” meaning a potential decline for the countries that previously dominated the market (such as the UK, the USA, and Canada).
Justin also credits academic excellence for his school’s popularity with Chinese students. He notes, “The top reason [that Chinese students choose to study at Merrick Prep] certainly is the high-quality educational experience that our students receive. Many of our Chinese students dream of attending a top university such as the University of Toronto and Merrick Prep is the best choice for obtaining your university of choice.” Read entire article published by StudyTravel Ltd (ST Magazine & ST Alphe Conferences) here: