Imran Modibbo

Ethan Adelore
Grade 9
MPS Student
My favorite thing about Merrick Prep is the co-curriculars activities we do. I also love the fact that we go to Ottawa (The capital of Canada) frequently!

Olamide Majolagbe
University of Toronto
Aerospace Engineering
MPS Graduate
I began Orientation Week at the University of Toronto for Aero Space Engineering on Monday, and I would not have been able to reach this step if not for my Merrick Family. I really want to say a huge 'THANK YOU' to all of you. Thank you for accepting me into your family last year. Thank you for all your helpful advice and care that you have given me this past year. You are all wonderful! You have all helped me to grow and I feel much more ready for the new journey that awaits. Lastly, I want to appreciate all your support during the summer break; your research, your words of encouragement and your concern towards my progress all meant a lot to me. Thank you very much!

Imran Modibbo
Grade 9
MPS Student
I like that everyone is so kind in the school,
it feels like one big family.
Dr. Chuka Ikedum
MPS Parent
I want to express my appreciation to MPS for such a personalized teaching system that is unprecedented.
Agbani Akhaze
MPS Parent
What gladdens us are the academic standards and the rich curriculum. A’marie has learned a great deal in such a short time and we have seen tremendous growth in her organization, planning and social skills.