Student Life
Daily after class activities, weekend outings and field trips create the core of our Student Life program. Students from different countries, religions and languages mix with local Canadian students to create a rich and diverse community we call the MPS family. With a student population of 60, our students are more like brothers and sisters than they are peers and colleagues. This unique community sets us apart – a special distinctly caring place where our students develop courage, resilience, compassion and life-long friendships that span the globe.
Our Residential Life Supervisors, along with our Headmaster, live on campus, ensuring 24 hours a day, 7 day a week supervision. Our Director of Residential Life is often referred to as “mom” by our students and provides the care, nurturing and support teenagers need to mature into successful contributing members of our global community.
Yazeed from Oman
All of the courses I took at MPS were useful in university. I found myself having more knowledge in subjects like physics, chemistry, math and geology compared to my engineering friends.
Daria from Russia
I miss Merrick Preparatory School so much! This year at U of T I am living in residence, which is great, but the rooms are so small – I really miss my Merrick Prep room and bed! Unlike Merrick Prep where I could access my teachers at any time and get help from them and the Residential Life Staff and you [Headmaster Kevin Farrell] were always available, here the classes are so huge! (more than 300 students) and it is hard to get any help from the professors. They don’t provide you with guidelines or rubrics so you have to figure everything out on your own, but Merrick Preparatory School prepared me for that. I miss Merrick Prep so much and can’t wait to come back and visit.
Tola from Nigeria
I remember when I was having trouble falling asleep, and I’d tell some of the staff. They gave me good advice that really helped the problem. One thing I found particularly special about MPS, is the way the staff and the students communicate with one another, and also the level of respect that was present.